😎Inklings2: Observations, Ideas, and Opinions on Math Education by a Contrarian in 2021, a Divergent View. Inklings3 will open soon.
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My Impressions March 2021 |
➜ The problem has been deeply rooted in our curriculum and instructional methods for decades. It will be hard for teachers to change from discovery/inquiry or project-based group work to knowledge-based schooling and explicit explaining of carefully selected worked examples. Ian Stewart, a mathematician, points out, "Mathematics happens to require rather a lot of basic knowledge and technique." Marginalizing the standard procedures (i.e., technique) has been the wrong approach. And implementing constructivist "minimal guidance methods" of instruction has paved the way for minimal learning, explain Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark ("Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work...", 2006). 3-23-21
➜ Minimal Guidance = Minimal Learning!
➜ Delay, Delay, Delay ...
By 4th grade, students should focus on fractions and fraction operations--the international benchmarks, but, instead, they are still on addition and subtraction. Unfortunately, too many students come to 4th grade or 5th grade without knowing the multiplication facts, a 2nd-3rd grade benchmark. Over the decades, I have seen this in many classrooms. 3-19-21
From Jill Barshay at the Hechinger Report (3-22-21) about reading comprehension:
- Generally, children posted higher comprehension scores after reading a print version of a picture book compared with a digital version.
- Digital enhancements, such as games, pop-ups, and sounds, can distract children from the narrative storyline. Built-in dictionaries were bad for comprehension
but good for vocabulary development.
➜ LT: For vocabulary development, which is the missing link in reading comprehension, students would benefit from a workbook written specifically for that purpose, such as Vocabulary Workshop from Sadler. Many Catholic schools and other independent schools use Sadler. Also, content-rich history lessons from Core Knowledge (CK) with vocabulary in the sidebars (e.g., Ancient Greece and Rome) are excellent, too. Vocabulary lessons are in the CK Teacher Guides. And it is all free via pdf. (Note: Core Knowledge or CK should not be confused with Common Core or CC. Also, CK focuses on content-rich history and geography, not social studies.) 3-22-21
"Teaching is very easy if you don't care about doing it right and very hard if you do." Thomas Sowell
"I don't believe I can really do without teaching." [When new ideas are not coming to mind, I must have something to do.] If I am teaching, "at least I am doing something and making some contribution." It never hurts my teaching, says Feynman, to review the fundamentals in my mind! "Is there a better way to present them?" Richard Feynman
"Fairness as equal treatment does not produce fairness as equal outcomes." Thomas Sowell
"But in recent times, virtually any disparity in outcomes is almost automatically blamed on discrimination, despite the incredible range of other reasons for disparities between individuals and groups." Thomas Sowell (Discrimination and Disparities, 2019)
The idea of equal outcomes is nonsense, yet it is the goal of radical education leaders whose strategy has been to "equalize downward, by lowering those at the top. It is a crazy idea taught in schools of education," writes Thomas Sowell. It is biased.
"Working memory is limited. So "whenever something clogs up working memory, your all-around problem-solving abilities take a hit ... Learning via worked examples, instead of solving problems for yourself, is one potential way past such working-memory roadblocks," writes Sanjay Sarma, MIT (Grasp, 2020). One major roadblock is not having auto recall of multiplication tables, which should be "overlearned" to stick in long-term memory and be instantly available in the problem-solving process in the working memory. 3-21-21
Furthermore, in my opinion, remote or hybrid is "pretend" education. "71% of parents think their kids learned less than they would have had schools remained open ... [while] 72% of parents say they are satisfied with the instruction and activities provided by schools during the closure," according to surveys conducted by EducationNext (Winter 2021). (Really? Are parents satisfied with their kids learning less?) 3-21-21
Give teachers a break. It is not their fault the State adopted Common Core reform math knowing it was not internationally benchmarked (i.e., not world-class) or shut the schools for inferior remote and hybrid instructional methods. 3-16-21
"We don't have to understand the mechanics of the universe to go about our daily lives," suggests physicist Carlo Rovelli. And we don't have to understand calculus either, even though it unlocks the secrets of the universe. After all, Issac Newton, who invented the calculus, didn't understand its underpinning other than solving physics problems. So, let's think of mathematics as a tool to solve problems, which requires knowing calculating skills, ideas, and uses. Richard Feynman pointed out that there are not enough word problems or questions in elementary school math textbooks. 3-21-21
Standard arithmetic is not taught for mastery. This must change!
"If we want high-skill, high-wage jobs, then that is impossible to do with the education and job training system we have." (Tucker's Lens, 2-24-21)
American educators have not faced the reality that our educational and vocational structure (i.e., K-12 to Community College) is broken and, in my opinion, often lacking in quality and rigor. For example, Common Core math standards, now State math standards, are below international benchmarks, starting in 1st grade. So why did almost every state adopt Common Core in the first place? Many radical progressive leaders continue to claim that America is not a nation at risk. But, the facts don't support the claim.
After eight years of Common Core, only 24% of our 12th graders were proficient in math (2019 NAEP). Surprise! No great leap in achievement. Many AP courses are not equivalent to real college-level courses, primarily in the STEM areas. Surprise! For example, some colleges and universities, such as the University of Texas, do not accept AP calculus for STEM credit. (STEM students are required to take UT's calculus courses and for a good reason.) Frankly, I don't trust the quality or rigor of numerous so-called online college courses, much less online degrees. It is too easy to cheat. For example, you can get or hire someone to help you with an online test. (I know. I was asked to help with the final exam in a required statistics course.)
Note: The superintendent of a local school district had this to say about returning to in-person classes on March 22nd for the last two months of school. I paraphrase: We don't expect students to make gains or make up lost learning. We expect a return to normalcy. In fairness, the super has been very supportive of teachers. 3-15-21
Nearly 80% of K-12 parents favor in-person schooling in their communities, writes Megan Brenan (Gallup) 3-11-21. I wonder if it is in-person, hybrid, or a combination of the two?
Scores: Reading and math scores should not be going down or stagnating. We are spending all this money on education, and the results are mediocre if that. Most kids are not proficient in math or reading at the state or international levels. What we have been doing in the classroom has not worked well. Richard Feynman was critical of elementary school math and science textbooks. He once observed, "So we really ought to look into theories that don't work, and science that isn't science." Also, "None of the textbooks said anything about using arithmetic in science." Nothing has changed!
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Start with Knowledge! Knowledge is needed for applying and reasoning. |
Students lack good calculating skills.
Teachers are often asked to teach math programs that do not stress the automaticity of math facts and standard procedures, i.e., arithmetic fundamentals. The lack of fluency in basic arithmetic often starts in 1st grade with addition and subtraction. Many educators endorse a misguided notion that kids will learn facts and procedures when they are ready. In reality, students without essential background knowledge will struggle in math up the grades. In short, students lack standard calculating skills, one of the five most important priorities of elementary school arithmetic, explains W. Stephen Wilson, a mathematician. Competence in Computational Skills is the backbone of a good math program, explains Robert B. Davis, The Madison Project: skills, ideas, and uses). If you can't calculate, then you can't solve math problems.
➜ Teaching kids to score high on a state test is not the same as teaching content that prepares students for algebra by middle school and beyond. We are merely teaching the minimum, just enough to get by if that. Common Core, which embraces reform math, won't change this. Preparing more kids for algebra by middle school was the highlight of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel report (2008). Still, Common Core and state standards did not embrace the premise by postponing most algebra standards to high school. It is a huge mistake to ignore standard arithmetic in the early grades.
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Issac Newton |
4th-Grade TKA: Ball Bounce |
In my Teach Kids Algebra (TKA) program, 4th graders did a ball bounce experiment from 5 different heights, 3 trials per height, recorded data, calculated averages, graphed it, figured out the best fit line, the slope, and wrote a linear equation in (y= mx + b) form. There was a lot of discussion about measurement error and why the equations differed from group to group. Then the kids tried interpolating and extrapolating values in their equations. They tested the new values to see if the equations worked. When the new observations didn't match the predictions made from their graphs, they knew something was wrong. Either the measurements and calculations were wrong, or the equation of the best fit line was wrong, or both. More class discussion, etc. (2012-2013)
A typical student cannot solve this problem without substantial knowledge of high school mathematics (algebra and geometry). But, isn't prerequisite knowledge necessary for any math problem, at any level, even for routine problems? Yes, knowledge precedes thinking, says Willingham, a cognitive scientist. Knowledge first! Why are teachers glossing over the knowledge foundation and jumping into critical thinking? It is backward!
Calculate the grams of hydrogen required to produce 82.000 grams of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen gasses.
Would you attempt to solve this routine chemistry problem without knowing the fundamentals of high school chemistry and algebra? Of course not! Solving chem problems requires domain-specific knowledge. Moreover, learning to solve routine problems, whether in chemistry or elementary school arithmetic, presupposes both knowledge and practice.
I pose a Latin problem.
Ego vos hortor ut amicitiam ombibus rebus humanis anteponatis. Sentio equidem, excepta sapientia, nihil melius homini a deis immortablibus datum esse.
Would you attempt to translate Latin without knowing the fundamentals of Latin? Of course not. Translating Latin requires domain-specific knowledge.
1. Confirmation Bias
In Being Wrong, Kathryn Schulz points out that "we believe things based on meager evidence." For example, experts tell us that technology in schools boosts math achievement. But is this guess true or false? We have had computers in classrooms for over 30 years. Where is the evidence? Is this a false claim? Schulz also defines confirmation bias as the "tendency to give more weight to evidence that confirms our beliefs than to evidence that challenges them." She explains that we fail to look for evidence that would contradict our beliefs.
2. Integrity in Education
Richard Feynman explains the essence of good science: "If it disagrees with experiment, then it is wrong." Can this science idea be applied to education? I think so, but education is not physics. We have been relying too much on opinions rather than experiments. We in education have lots of guesses and programs built on guesses and assumptions; however, we do not conduct randomized sound experiments to test ideas. Indeed, many popular classroom practices have no basis in evidence. Feynman often talks about integrity in science. He writes, "If you're doing an experiment, you should report everything that you think might make it invalid." We never talk about this kind of integrity in education. Many education studies are flawed. It isn't easy to find a control group. Also, time-on-task is often ignored in educational studies, which makes them suspect.
3. Minimal-Guided Instruction = Minimal Learning
Clark, Kirschner, & Sweller state that minimally-guided constructivist instruction (e.g., discovery, inquiry, project-based, problem-based, etc.), which is revered in schools of education and prevalent in today's classrooms, can "increase the achievement gap" and that the "failure to provide strong instructional support produced a measurable loss of learning."
The researchers explain that the "aim of all instruction is to add knowledge and skills to long-term memory. If nothing has been added to long-term memory, nothing has been learned." If nothing has been remembered (retrieval), then nothing has been learned. In short, students must have the proper prerequisite knowledge in long-term memory to solve problems in math. Prior knowledge is essential.
➜ The parent of a 3rd grader asked the teacher why the multiplication table isn't being taught. "We don't do that anymore; we teach critical thinking." The teacher's reply is the essence of reform math. And, it's wrong! One way for parents to fight woke teachers is to withdraw their children, which is what the parent did. 3-27-21